
In collaboration with Art & Found

Money is an important instrument in any monetary economy in that it performs specific functions in a society. Money is also constantly changing. Not only its value, but its form too. From coins and currency notes, to credit cards and newer forms of credit, to NFTs and crypto, money continues to be reinvented and revalued.

CRED has always believed money to be a means to living an aspirational lifestyle, and not the end. They reinstate this by bringing a take to money that strips off its monetary value as we know of it today. Through the Money Art project, CRED was looking at re-imagining money in the ways it hasn't been before, in a specific art style, medium or story. But there should be a clear canvas, a clear instrument. It can be credit cards, debit cards, currency notes, coins, or something completely new. 

Cred collaboration money art top view
Cred collaboration money perspective view

Reimagining a new world unified by a single digital currency. Existing digitally to make global transactions smooth and transparent. Accounting for the global wealth with its unique embedded markers to diminish discrepancies and promote equality. 

The artwork is comprised of 14 layers, each one illustrating elements from different world currencies. The are composed and superimposed together to create something entirely new that’s representative of every geography.

Cred collaboration augmented reality link